Join the Salvation Army’s College for Officer Training and partner with us to make the world better. Embrace the tools to share the love of Jesus, stop injustice and be with people in hardship. Help them see hope, possibility and a new way forward. Powered by the love of God, join us to change lives, community by community, person by person, the way only a Salvation Army officer can.

    A New Era

    The Canada and Bermuda Territory’s new training and development model will equip officers for ministry.

    CFOT News

    The College for Officer Training in Canada and Bermuda begins a new era of training and development.

    Winter Storm Social Services Response Recognized by Prime Minister

    Army responds after record snowfall in Sydney, N.S.

    Sydney, N.S., saw record snowfall in February when a multiple-day winter storm dropped more than 150 centimetres. The Salvation Army responded by providing spiritual and emotional support, and packing and distributing emergency food hampers in partnership with Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM) and the Provincial Incident Management Team.